Thursday, November 19, 2009

Abstrakt Alias vs. Diggy Simmons?

Seen his updates on Twitter and a few of his songs being featured on "Deal With No Deal". Better yet, his mixtape, "The First Flight" is coming out on Black Friday, next week; The same time I'm trying to come out with my mixtape "The White Rhymebook" (and, maybe it will come out then and maybe it won't) and I noticed that we're both the same age...and I also really like Run's House. Sooo, exactly WHAT am I trying to say?

I dunno. I haven't got to listen to some of his songs that he leaked, but I just want to see who's better...or at least hear how his voice sounds rapping, since he has such a scrappy voice. Meh. I wish him the best of luck, even though I'm the one who needs it.

EDIT: Also, I'm liking his fashion blog. Go Diggy.

EDIT 2: Or maybe I just want to collab with the dude?

EDIT 3: Also, we have the same first name.